Welcome to pytest-vcr

Py.test plugin for managing VCR.py cassettes.

Quick Start

Install the plugin:

pip install pytest-vcr

Annotate your tests:

def test_iana():
    response = urlopen('http://www.iana.org/domains/reserved').read()
    assert b'Example domains' in response

And that's it! A new file cassettes/test_iana.yaml will be created next to your test file on the first run. This file should be committed to a VCS.

Example configuration

Filtering saved request/response

VCR.py registers full request and response, including headers, which often include passwords or API keys. It's important to make sure you aren't leaving any secrets in your cassettes. For example, when using HTTP Basic authentication, you should add this to your conftest:

def vcr_config():
    return {
        # Replace the Authorization request header with "DUMMY" in cassettes
        "filter_headers": [('authorization', 'DUMMY')],

For a way to specify separate configuration for different tests see Configuration.

Changing the cassettes library path

By default pytest-vcr will put cassettes in a cassettes directory next to your tests. You can change that by overriding the vcr_cassette_dir fixture:

def vcr_cassette_dir(request):
    # Put all cassettes in vhs/{module}/{test}.yaml
    return os.path.join('vhs', request.module.__name__)

Running on CI

When running your tests on CI it's recommended to use the --vcr-record=none option. This way you can make sure that you have committed all the cassettes.